buying gadget in vilage is little confusing. usually the seller give the price to high (compared with online shop).
this is happened to me when i tried to buy a smartband M3.
the price is about IDR 120.000 while in the online shop it only IDR 60.000's. and i too shy to cancelling --you know the seller is a girl-- LOL.
when i have ready to pay, she say something.
"for tutorial, just see on youtube" seller.
"what?" me.
"the manual book is in chinese and english only" seller.
"oh.. no indonesian?" me.
actually my english is not too good but im still comprehend with the manual book.
"no.. but you can follow a youtube tutorial to connecting it with smartphone" seller.
i found this situation as good reason.
"um.. can i cancel it?" me.
"yes.. of course" seller.
i hear a little grumble in her voice but i happy because i have save my money XD.